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$$ THE BOTTOM LINE $$ (Continued)
American Dart Organization (ADO) Membership: There is no further cost to you for ADO membership. The NCDA is an ADO member organization, and as such, the cost of that membership is taken care of by the Association on each Player’s behalf, as part of your NCDA membership fees.

Various Social activities: Association events most likely include the food, and if outdoors & legal, a keg. But generally, if we’re booked in an establishment, your bar tab is your bar tab…

That’s about it for actual Membership expenses. Not too bad really, when you consider the enjoyment gained from getting out with other darters to participate in organized, competitive steel tip darts.

Most players find it fairly easy to budget in a few bucks each week, for a good night out.

The Other Side of the Coin

Everything above is related to the $dollar$ value of Association expenses.

Now consider the expenses of the time value involved:

About 1 hour, on a Saturday in December, to attend an election meeting for voting in (and out) our Board of Directors.

About 1 hour, each season, on a Saturday, for a General Membership meeting, to be informed, inform, discuss and vote on current issues.

If you’re a Team Captain (or his Rep.) add in another 2 hours for the Captain’s Meeting, held on a Saturday afternoon, a couple of weeks prior to the beginning of each season.

Most Tuesdays and maybe some Saturday nights are blown to sawdust, while you’re out tossin’ a few at the pubs…

A Sunday morning at the end of each season spent recovering from the previous days End of Season Tournament.

Every now and again we have need of our Members volunteer assistance with odds and ends projects, planning, prepping & set up for the bigger tournaments, and we’re working on a Youth Steel Tip Darts League; which will need some time from us all.

Should you take an active interest in the affairs and leadership of the Association, and become a Board Director, there would of course, be even more time value expense.

OK, there you have it: $ The Bottom Line $ near as can be figured. If you know of any other expenses, both time and dollar wise that should be mentioned here, DROP A LINE, and if we agree, we’ll fix it…     
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